PeterJ Nov 11, 2016 63rd Grand Prix Macau November 17th to 20th. The Macau Guia circuit makes Monaco look like a freeway...
63rd Grand Prix Macau November 17th to 20th. The Macau Guia circuit makes Monaco look like a freeway...
PeterJ Jun 7, 2015 Wishing I could freely drive my Z3 from Hong Kong to Mainland China and Macau... Permits are ridiculously expensive
Wishing I could freely drive my Z3 from Hong Kong to Mainland China and Macau... Permits are ridiculously expensive
PeterJ May 16, 2015 Wonderful Wedding and Honeymoon in Fiji... New Drivers verticle seat motor works OK, but hydraulic steering pipe for LHD Z3 so wrong part!
Wonderful Wedding and Honeymoon in Fiji... New Drivers verticle seat motor works OK, but hydraulic steering pipe for LHD Z3 so wrong part!
PeterJ Apr 26, 2015 Boat Wedding in Hong Kong Harbour on Friday May1st, Honeymoon in Fiji ...Maximus getting new seat motor and steering pipe while we are away
Boat Wedding in Hong Kong Harbour on Friday May1st, Honeymoon in Fiji ...Maximus getting new seat motor and steering pipe while we are away
PeterJ Apr 15, 2015 The fact that my wife to be' speaks 'Hunan Chinese' and I do not does have it's advantages ...for example, we have never had an argument
The fact that my wife to be' speaks 'Hunan Chinese' and I do not does have it's advantages ...for example, we have never had an argument
PeterJ Oct 18, 2014 Forbes rear cross member kit & RaceLogic Traction Control installed & commissioned ...TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!!!
Forbes rear cross member kit & RaceLogic Traction Control installed & commissioned ...TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!!!
PeterJ Aug 18, 2013 Standard Springs or BC Coilovers, that is the question ... in a land of speed bumps...